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Virginia Amends Bill for Legionella Programs in Public Schools

Virginia Amends Legionella Bill SB-410 (effective July 1, 2021)
During the 2020 General Assembly, the Virginia legislature passed Senate Bill 410 which amends Code of Virginia § 22.1-138, adds subsection C, and requires school boards to maintain a water management program for the prevention of Legionnaires’ disease at each public school building in the local school division. School boards Have been asked to develop and implement the required water management programs.
Schools that closed buildings or significantly reduced activities due to COVID-19 should thoroughly flush all plumbing systems before reopening. Stagnant water in water systems can create biofilm and optimal conditions for bacterial growth, which can put the health and safety of your staff, students, and teachers at risk. As a result, Virginia is now requiring public schools to maintain water management programs for the prevention Legionella pneumophila, the primary cause of Legionnaires’ Disease.
One out of 10 people who get Legionnaires’ Disease will die from the infection. If a school is identified as the source of an outbreak, it can lead to lawsuits and costly or disruptive remediation. Good water management practices can help you avoid exorbitant costs, protect your school community, and uphold your reputation.
HP Environmental offers a variety of Legionella-related services including written water management plans, identification of high risk areas, analysis of building water systems (both potable and utility), on-site water sampling and testing and consultation and recommendations from our Legionella experts.
Virginia Bill SB-410 went into effect on July 1, 2021. The full details of the bill can be viewed here.
Requires each school board to maintain a water management program for the prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease at each public school building in the local school division.
HP Environmental encourages all public schools to be proactive in their planning and implementation of preventative measures. HPE staff members can be made available for over-the-phone or in-person consulting, and our Legionella experts are ready and willing to answer any questions you have about SB-410, the best steps to take, and how HPE can best serve your environmental and water testing needs.
Please view, download, and share our flyer detailing our Legionella services and “Three Steps for Legionella Testing in Schools”. For more information, visit our detailed Legionella page on our website: