Katherine Nelson, BS
Assistant to the Director of Industrial Hygiene
Katherine Nelson has held the position of Assistant to the Director of Industrial Hygiene at HP Environmental since joining in 2016. She oversees daily office operations in the Industrial Hygiene (IH) department and conducts specific and common environmental field investigations.
Within this position, Katherine specializes in the discipline of indoor environmental quality, conducting field operations in the areas of occupational health, environmental and industrial hygiene, standards compliance and condition assessments.
Bachelors of Science in Earth Science, George Mason University
I’m here to answer any questions you might have about our products and services. Feel free to contact me using any of the following methods:
Email: knelson@hpenviron.com
Phone: (703) 471-4200
Among her many responsibilities at HP Environmental, Katherine practices and performs water-damaged and/or mold-impacted building material surveys, LEED/ARC/WELL Building testing, indoor air quality assessments and environmental emergency response, among other duties. Parallel to environmental field investigations, Katherine’s internal responsibilities include architectural drawing development, operation of HPE’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and general generation of complex electronic deliverables.
Katherine received her Bachelor of Science with a focus on Earth Science from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. Before coming to work for HPE, she gained significant work experience with agronomic satellite data quality testing and analysis and independent structural geomorphology and paleo-depositional field research in central New York.